IZIgroup: new identity, new organization, new ambitions in 2024

IZIgroup » IZIgroup: new identity, new organization, new ambitions in 2024

IZIgroup proudly announces the launch of its new visual identity and organizational structure. This event marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey, which has experienced a decade of exceptional growth since its inception.

New ambitions: from expert in invasive species to promoter of Human-Living Interaction

Since its inception in 2013 with the creation of IZInovation, IZIgroup has undergone a significant evolution, transitioning from recognized expertise in invasive species management to a fervent aspiration for better interaction between Humans and the Living. During this decade of exceptional growth, the company has established itself as a major player, laying the foundations for bold future ambitions. In 2024, IZIgroup takes a further step in its development with the acquisition of new activities and the establishment of a dynamic organization specifically designed to meet crucial challenges related to biodiversity and sustainability.

A new organization in four department

IZIgroup’s new structure now comprises four distinct departments, each crucially contributing to the overall goal of responsible Human-Living interaction :

IZInovation : This department offers a comprehensive approach, accompanying industrial customers from initial idea to regulatory compliance. Emphasizing efficacy testing and providing a collaborative innovation platform.

IZIPest : As a leading training center in the field of invasive species management, IZIPest plays a crucial role in knowledge sharing. By providing cutting-edge training, this department contributes to building the skills needed to promote responsible management of these species and biodiversity.

IZIDiag : As an independent audit firm, IZIDiag is committed to providing objective, in-depht reports. The department helps its partners identify improvement opportunities, strengthen their compliance, and optimize their operational processes.

IZIGreen : Specializing in biodiversity solutions, IZIGreen and its Vitagreen branch proactively respond to growing expectations in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Offering sustainable alternatives, the department promotes harmonious coexistence between human activity and biodiversity preservation.

A New Visual Identity for embodied Vision

This new organization is accompanied by a redesigned visual identity that illustrates the company’s vision through distinctive elements :

  • Rounded shapes symbolizing IZIgroup’s adaptability
  • Dots as markers of expertise across all departments
  • A monogram for a strong identity
  • A reinforced positioning
  • Reassuring, warm, and dynamic colors reflecting the departments and teams
  • A group signature, a true standard-bearer of IZIgroup’s ambitions: “For a better interaction between Human and the living”
This new visual identity aims to make every entity of IZIgroup instantly recognizable, thus reinforcing its market positioning.

About IZIgroup :

From IZInovation’s scientific approach to IZIPest’s leading training center, IZIDiag’s independent audits and IZIGreen’s proactive solutions, our strength lies in the union of complementary departments to promote innovative and responsible solutions. Together, we contribute to shape a sustainable and balanced future for a better interaction between Human and the living.

For more information, please contact :

Adeline Nicoletti – Communications Manager +33 6 77 99 44 33 – adeline.nicoletti@izinovation.com