Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of our DNA and we consider it a real vector of performance.
- Promote the use of chemical-free solutions, in order to contribute to the protection of the environment.
- Carry out health and safety prevention: train all our employees in civil security citizen skills (PSC1) and install air purifiers in our premises
- Promote recruitment through work-study programs and the integration of doctoral students
- Invest a significant part of our turnover in research and development
- Make our economic expertise a strong and controlled model of local development in France and internationally
- Innovate, create value for our customers, and consolidate real development partnerships with them
- Support our customers in the development of new innovative alternative products that respect the environment
- Develop an electric or hybrid vehicle fleet (installation of terminals)
- Treat waste from our laboratory testing products
Waste management

All waste from our Tests/Experiments activity is processed by our supplier CLIKECO for treatment. Total traceability of waste (insecticides, solid, liquid, aerosol rodenticides)
Transportation policy
- IZIgroup has a vehicle fleet, including electric and hybrid vehicles.
- In March 2021, 3 electrical terminals were installed in the premises parking lot.
- Two electric scooters have been purchased and are made available to staff for short trips.
- Internally, all travel is analyzed in order to limit the environmental impact. “Soft” transport (trains, buses, trams, etc.) are favored over automobiles. Thus, apart from collective travel, all journeys from our Headquarters (Lyon) to Paris are made by train.
- Since 2020, we have developed a portfolio of remote training (video) limiting the travel of trainers and trainees. In 2020, this represented 540 trainees out of the 1009 trained directly.

Territorial anchoring

Due to its history (creation in 2013 in Bully), IZIgroup is fundamentally anchored in its territory, with a strong relationship with local research and development players.
With a testing/experimentation laboratory based on the LA DOUA scientist, IZIgroup has a close relationship with Claude Bernard LYON 1 University
IZIgroup also supports local humanitarian causes (Association Aidons Marina, for the fight against pediatric cancer).
During the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities (SEEPH), a day called DUODAY is offered to promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market. This is a unique opportunity for employers and people with disabilities to collaborate and promote a more inclusive society. Participating companies open their doors for a day to people with disabilities, offering them the opportunity to discover different professional sectors, observe work processes and actively participate in certain tasks.
IZIgroup is proud to participate in this event for several years.